What is All-on-4?

The so-called “All-on-4” technique involves the insertion of 4 dental implants in the mandibular or maxillary arch that can be immediately loaded, performed in a single session, with aesthetic provisional teeth. This technique is the ideal solution for those cases in which the patient has a deficient bone (severe atrophy) and is still able to implement a fixed, provisional prosthesis.

What are the advantages of All-on-4?

The main advantages that this type of technique contains:

  • Time saving surgery
  • Economic saving
  • Minimal invasiveness
  • Possibility to intervene in a large number of cases
  • Excellent result
  • Immediate loading technique
  • Use of 4 implants, 2 distal ones are inclined
  • Possibility of flapless technique
  • Possibility of guided surgery
  • Ideal for patients with low-bone quantity

How does the treatment work?

The pre-surgical radiographic examination part is fundamental and at our facility. With the CT scan and special software, the specialists of our clinic are able to program the dynamics of the intervention, reducing its invasiveness.

After having taken full knowledge of the situation, the specialist will be able to proceed with the operation during which the patient will be subjected to vigilant sedation. This particular anesthesia allows the person to remain awake and conscious while not feeling any kind of pain or

How long does it take for the operation?

Once the first initial radiographic assessments have been made, impressions will be taken alongside occlusal registers, which will allow the laboratory to prepare the type of prosthetic solution chosen (fundamental steps for the preparation of the case).

After the day of surgery, with a short break of up to 48 hours (in cases where it is possible), the provisional prosthetics will be placed.
After 10-15 days from the operation, there will be a session to remove the stitches and make a further check. At the same time, you will be provided with all the necessary information to maintain a proper dental and oral hygiene.