How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

Brushing your teeth consistently is the fundamental rule for maintaining good oral hygiene and thus avoiding the formation of cavities and various mouth diseases, which can have serious consequences. Dental professionals recommend brushing your teeth after each main meal, at least twice a day. In the evening, before going to bed, you need to brush them even more thoroughly, focusing in particular on the spaces between the teeth.

When should dental floss and brush be used?

It is now known that dental floss should be used at least once a day and preferably in the evening. What still raises some perplexity is when to use it.
In this regard, the thought of the experts is divided into two:
Some authors recommend passing the floss between the teeth before brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste: the floss, by removing plaque and food residues nestled between the teeth, allows the active ingredients of the toothpaste (e.g. fluoride or whitening agents) to reach even the interdental fissures.

Other specialists suggest using the floss only after brushing your teeth: in doing so, assuming that the toothbrush has already removed a certain amount of dirt, the action of the dental floss is facilitated.

Do smokers need to take some extra steps?

Most of us are familiar with the damage that smoking causes to the lungs and cardiovascular system, but not everyone knows what side effects smoking has on teeth and gums.

The consequences come at every level, from enamel to breath. Furthermore, it is shown that in smokers there is an increase in the formation and deposition of tartar: the tooth surfaces, when made rough, attract more plaque and thus increase the risk of developing caries.

In light of the damage that smoking causes to the oral cavity, it is clear that smokers need even more accurate daily oral hygiene and a regular professional hygiene program to be implemented at regular intervals.

Is the electric toothbrush really more effective than the manual one?

Choosing between electric or manual toothbrush is not a simple thing. Both, in fact, have their own benefits for brushing your teeth.

The manual toothbrush is very convenient for cleaning delicate areas, especially after extractions or dental prostheses. After having undergone an operation, it is usual to use the manual toothbrush and not the electric one to clean without risking to blow up any
stitches. Thanks to the wide range of bristles and the low prices, it is possible to buy more toothbrushes for every ailment or need.

On the other hand, the electric toothbrush has many advantages. It can clean really well and deeply and is also perfect for those who are a little lazy: using the electric toothbrush allows you to shorten cleaning times. By passing the device inside your mouth you will not have to struggle with hand brushing techniques, and in a few minutes the oral cavity will be sanitized and and the mouthwash will be used

What is the difference between tartar and plaque?

Plaque is a sticky film containing bacteria, dead cells and food residues that settles on the surface of the teeth. If it is not completely removed with a brush and dental floss it
tends to accumulate especially in the gumline and between the interdental spaces.
Over time, the accumulations of plaque, reacting with the minerals present in the saliva, transform into tartar, which can only be eliminated by the dentist.
Unlike plaque, tartar is clearly visible to the naked eye, its color is variable and can be white, yellow, brown or black.

Is cleaning the teeth painful?

The answer to this question may vary from patient to patient but, in general, it would be incorrect to say that it is a painful operation.

If the patient regularly undergoes professional oral hygiene sessions, this procedure will not be long or particularly annoying, since the teeth will not have excessive accumulations of plaque and tartar.

On the contrary, if the patient is reluctant to professional oral hygiene sessions, the teeth cleaning operations could be bothersome and prolonged compared to the average. An absent, insufficient or incorrect home oral hygiene, as well as not undergoing regular scaling sessions are habits that inevitably lead to a more marked accumulation of tartar, with consequent pain, swelling and gingival bleeding regardless of professional oral hygiene intervention .

How often should teeth be cleaned?

Teeth cleaning at a dental office should be a regular fixture. Depending on the problems and predispositions of each of us, the dental hygienist will be able to assess whether sessions are needed every 6 or 9 months.

Yes, it is necessary to dispel the belief that an annual or even less frequent cleaning is enough. Teeth can seemingly be clean to our eyes. But, six months are on average enough to have to resort again to a professional cleaning that eliminates any risk of irritation.

How many meals do we have per day?
Then think of snacks, coffee, candies, snacks, aperitifs. If we are not exactly obsessive in cleaning, or if we are often away from home and we do not have the possibility of using a toothbrush, professional cleaning is of extreme importance.
This is especially true for people who suffer from gum problems or other dental diseases, pregnant women, people who wear orthodontic appliances and prostheses.

How do i know if i have cavities?

Caries is a dental disease characterized, in the initial phase, by the destruction of the enamel. If left untreated, cavities can affect the deeper layers of the tooth
A patient can tell if a tooth is decayed when:
– Has darker spots on the tooth surface, which may also be due to pigmenting substances, there is dental sensitivity especially when eating or drinking something hot, cold or sweet,
– The tooth hurts and the pain becomes stronger as the tooth decay has reached the pulp.